A few things I've seen that have struck me include:
- A group of American people meeting up in a bar and high-fiving each other hello. Without a shred of insincerity. Honestly. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. It was a genuine greeting. I always thought that was a joke. Turns out, it's not.
- Woman standing in her apartment window, shaking the maracas and dancing happily around to some extremely loud Spanish-y music.
- Homeless guy giving a speech on the subway. Touching.
- Woman in the middle of street crying hysterically down the phone, saying/sobbing "but I DIDN'T break the remote! I DIDN'T! I woulda told you if I did. I'm not that kind of person..."
- Old Asian guy in a moon-suit playing the drums on a trash can to the beat of the tune he was listening to on his ghetto-blaster.
I also made a total arse of myself today by tripping over a curb while drinking some water. The water spurted everywhere, but mostly over me. Needless to say there were two lovely young men behind me who promptly proceeded to take the complete piss out of me for the next block. It was funny though.
I spent most of today just walking around. Got into the queue for the Museum of Modern Art but jumped out again because it was such a nice day and I didn't feel like staying inside. So I strolled down 5th Ave. and ended up spending about an hour in Madison Square Park people-watching. Then I got on the wrong train and had to walk through Harlem to get back to the hostel hahaha - never felt so much like a tourist in my life!
I like New York. It doesn't seem to belong to anyone, which is nice. But I have to take issue with the fact that people don't smile very easily. You have to drag it out of 'em. I don't mind though - it's like a challenge :)
Thanks for all your lovely comments and greetings - keep up the good work.