Sunday 1 April 2007

It's my fourth day already!

Am a small, little, tiny, baby bit hungover today. Had a fantastic day with Hyo-Jung yesterday (thank you! and it's still a shame about those shoes...); strolling leisurely around, chatting and eventually ending up in a lovely bar drinking cocktails :)
Ate a cannoli - it was magnificent. Delicious.
Going to go for brunch today and then maybe do some sightseeing. Maybe.
Or I might just sit somewhere in a corner somewhere nice drinking coffee and reading/dozing... it's a hard life.


Anonymous said...

It was a great day, wasn't it? Upper West Side, the Village, Washington Square, East Village, Chinatown, and Soho. We certainly did get around.

Not only did you eat a cannoli in a tiny Italian cafe, but you also had Vietnamese food for the first time at a great place on the upper west side.

I hope that you have many more wonderful firsts while in the Big Apple!!!

Siobhan said...

Yummy, cannoli, I had one once, it was lovely. If only we could get cannoli here. Actually, now that I think about it, I believe you can get them in the cafe near bar italia. Sounds like you're having a great time. I know what it's like to be sightseeing on your own and have no one to talk to, I did it for a month in Rome. But it does get easier, in my experience anway. Plus, it means you can do whatever you want to do! Talk soon, S

Anonymous said...

Hey lady. Glad you're having a good time. New York was a bit too big for me. Too overwhelming. I did have a good time one afternoon hanging out with locals at a bar called the Lennox Lounge in Harlem. Quite a different crowd.

Remind me when we meet up to tell you about Seattle's high fivin' white guys. They're amazing.

Stay safe and have fun!