Wednesday 6 June 2007


Am currently encamped at Bondi Beach in Sherene's place. It's fabulous and she's fabulous! Still no sign of a job though. Boo for jobs :( So y'know, if anyone feels in the mood to donate to the Jenny Doesn't Want To Get a Job Fund, feel free. ... No? Fine.

Anyway, have had some fun times since I've been here. Been to the Opera House to see a Beethoven Concert, had a walk around the Botanical Gardens, seen the Sydney Harbour sights and skyline at night (stunning), been bumming around on the beach checking out the surfers :), eaten some amazing Asian food and been drinking far too much delicious wine.

Life is good.



erin said...

hi to sherene! look at you getting all cultured! :) get a job slacker!! haha xx

Anonymous said...

Miss you terrible and I am so totally jealous of you watching the surfy dudes. :(

On a good note, the sun has decided to shine and it makes me almost like Ireland again, the lack of hot guys is still a huge problem though.
I'll send you a decent, proper email soon cos I'm off for the weekend.
Love and miss you lots